
Wednesday, 28 December 2011

prune & vanilla smoothie

The holiday season is a period of excess and, after all that overeating and drinking, often our bodies rebel at the abuse we’ve inflicted.

This little smoothie is an excellent way to start the day. The prunes add the sweetness and the, ahem, cleansing properties while low fat milk and yoghurt give you calcium without the calories.

If you want this as a refreshingly chilled wake-up drink then use the ice. Alternatively, boiling water turns it into a warm, soothing start to the day.

Prune & Vanilla Smoothie

Anna’s very own recipe. Makes 2 small drinks.

10 ice cubes or ¼ cup boiling water
1 cup low fat milk (chilled or warmed)
2 tablespoons low fat vanilla yoghurt
10 prunes

Blend! Drink!


  1. It is not a combination I would have thought of but why not? It looks good.

  2. Ooh! Yum! I sometimes get fruit-flavored yogurt here in France, and the prune ones used to be the last ones to go... til I took the plunge and tasted them and realized they were my favorite! I think Americans are afraid of prunes... the French know what they're doing.

  3. A wonderful smoothie!

    Best wishes for 2012!



  4. michele - i thought "people drink prune juice, why not a smoothie".

    emiglia - you could use your prune yoghurt with some prunes i suppose, but the vanilla is a great match.

    rosa - best wishes to you in 2012 too

  5. sounds deliciouss im going to try this out :)


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