Thursday 15 January 2009

baked ricotta

Ricotta can be so versatile.

I love to bake it as a side dish to dinner or for dessert.

Different flavours can be used everytime and here I have photos for:
• Black Pepper Ricotta
• Cinnamon Ricotta w Sour Cherries

Baked Ricotta
Anna's very own recipe. Serves 2 as side.

250g ricotta
1 egg
Flavouring, see below

1. Preheat oven to 180'C.
2. In a bowl, mix ricotta with flavouring of choice.
3. In an oven proof baking dish or non-stick baking even tin, firmly pack in the ricotta pressing down to remove air bubbles.
4. Bake in oven for 20-30 minutes or until ricotta rises and develops a light surface.
5. Serve warm or cold, as preferred, with accompaniments.

Flavour Suggestions
• 50g melted dark chocolate & 2 tablespoons brown sugar
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon & 2 tablespoons honey
• ¼ cup chopped berries & 2 tablespoons caster sugar
• ¼ cup mashed banana & 2 tablespoons honey or brown sugar
Serve with fresh berries, canned fruit, raisin toast, pancakes, toasted panettone, scones or muffins.

• 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• 1 teaspoon chilli flakes
• 1 crushed garlic clove
• 2 tablespoons fresh herbs or 1 teaspoon dried herbs
• 2 tablespoons finely chopped olives

Serve with crackers, bread, bruschetta, on a sandwich, as a side dish, crumbled through pasta or salad.



  1. always on the look out for a healthy alternative for dessert and baked ricotta & cherries sounds perfect!

  2. We have a similar Greek cheese called anthotyro so I only bought ricotta once to try how it tastes but I stick to the Greek one, however it is so versatile that you can make sweet and savory pie which are to die for. Cinnamon and honey is the most usual but I have to try some of your suggestions which sound great.

  3. This sounds very tasty. I just posted the Weekend Herb Blogging Roundup if you would like to see your recipe and some other cool edibles on the Crispy Cook. Thank you for sending your plate of Chilaquiles over.

  4. ciao anna!!!
    I love baked the best one is from sicily...but as it is very difficult to find.I thank you for the recipe!
    now I can do mine!! :)))

  5. Very nice idea! I like to drain ricotta cheese and drizzle it with honey for a nice dessert, but I can't wait to give your recipe a try!

  6. In the book, "The Reluctant Tuscan," the author mentions a heavenly dessert of baked ricotta and honey. I wasn't sure if there were more ingredients than just the two. I will try yours!


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