Wednesday 20 December 2006

chocolate ricotta mousse

Some of you may have noticed that there wasn't a Recipe Carousel this Monday. I have decided to take a two week break over this holiday period. Recipe Carousel will be back on Monday 1 January to kickstart the new year!

Today I've got a Recipe Road Test for you. This recipe I discovered on Ilva's Lucullian Delights. Her blog never fails to inspire me with such beautiful imagery and very simple, delicious recipes.
On this occasion the particular source of inspiration was three ricotta based mousses flavoured with chocolate, candied cedro and basil. Ilva’s ricotta mousse is absolutely divine with a rich, velvety texture.

I opted for the chocolate version and served my mousse with chocolate dipped strawberries, macerated strawberries and a deliciously refreshing Red Corvette cocktail.

Chocolate Ricotta Mousse

Recipe by Ilva from Lucullian Delights. Serves 4.


250g fresh ricotta
3 tablespoons sugar
1½ tablespoons water
2 egg whites
Cocoa powder to taste
1. Put sugar and water in a small pan and let it boil for 3-5 minutes, shake it now and then. Put it aside to cool down.
2. Whip the ricotta with an electric whisk and continue to do so while you add the tepid syrup.
3. Beat the egg whites until white and very stiff, then mix them carefully with the ricotta.
4. Add the cocoa and mix carefully.
5. Put the ricotta mousse in serving bowls and leave these in the fridge for a couple of hours so that they are nice and cold. As a final touch, decorate each bowl with chocolate lattice or shavings.
Anna's variations: Instead cocoa, I used 100g of melted 70% cocoa chocolate.

Red Corvette
Recipe from Serves 1.
50 ml Frangelico
40 ml Midori
5 strawberries
A cup of crushed ice
Pour all ingredients together and mix in a blender.



  1. When my dad came to visit me in Germany this summer, he taught me how to make my own ricotta. I haven't had a chance to post about it yet! But I should. I wonder how this mousse would taste with the home-made stuff. Now you've got me wondering and all inspired with your beautiful post. Road tests are a great idea!

  2. Thanks Anna, you are so nice! And it is a truly great idea to serve it the way you do!

  3. With some Strawberries I could make that drink tonight!


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