Friday 27 October 2006

tomato carpaccio

Sometimes I'm bored of green salad. I'm bored of Greek salad. I'm bored of rocket and parmigiano.

On one of my "bored" days, Jonas came to the rescue with this wonderful Japanese style salad dressing. We eat it all the time now. On mixed greens, on rice, with fish, with chicken and now on thin slices of tomato.

It's tangy, healthy and great for summer.

Oh, and it's bloody easy too.

Tomato Carpaccio
Jonas' very own recipe. Serves 2.
3 egg (Roma) tomatoes
4 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1 tablespoon shoyu (or light soy sauce)
1 teaspoon sugar
1½ teaspoons sesame oil
2.5 cm piece of ginger, finely grated
Chopped green shallots (ecshallots), optional
1. Slice the tomatoes as thinly as possible (our photo was a rush job but it's nicer if it's thinner)
2. Mix the remaining ingredients together and pour over the top.
3. Eat with gusto.



  1. mmm..nice with the rice wine vinegar..delicate :)

  2. hm... it does sound easy. I think i'll give this a go.


  3. Very healthy option.

    A thumbs up.

  4. We just ate this dressing on top of a big pile of cherry tomatoes and lettuce - very yummy! Pass on our thanks to Jonas :)


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