Monday 5 June 2006

airline meals - a dedicated website

I have recently been taking a lot of domestic flights for work and have become totally addicted to Qantas' coconut cake.

After careful inspection of the box, I discovered this scrumptious, moist and wonderfully delicious cake is made by Manna from Heaven, a shop near to my house. How delightful!

In honour of this airline ambrosia, Lustm referred me to a most interesting website called AirlineMeals.Net where the tagline is "the first and leading website about nothing but airline food".

The website has an extensive array of photos from almost every airline in the world and asks the submitter to give meals scores out of 10. They cover economy, business and first class meals equally and even have separate sections for special dietary requirements.

I had no idea there were so many subcategories of special meals on airlines: Asian vegetarian; Cholesterol; Diabetes (DBML); Fruit meal; Gluten free; Halal; Hindu; Indian vegetarian (AVMLI); Kosher; Lacto Ovo Vegetarian (VLML); Low calorie; Low fat; Oriental vegetarian; Seafood; Vegan; Vegetarian.

There are even photos of crew meals, some of which should be investigated by Occupational Health & Safety experts!

For those interested, my coconut cake can be seen on Qantas at entry 262.

I guess people are passionate about food even at high altitude!


  1. Hi. I also fly a lot but I did not know about all this...
    Australia... nice. Last year I worked in Singapore for 7 months and I was so close to visit a friend in Sydney... what a pity I missed that opportunity.

  2. I hate airline food. Especially vegetarian ones. They never give us veggoes any chocolate, only fruit.


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