Wednesday 14 June 2006

jonas' gifts - second bday surprise

Jonas put the alarm on for 5am then snuck out to get my presents that he had been hiding around the house. When I woke up at 7am, there they were.

The two presents he gave me were so thoughtful. Now, they may not sound like much to some people, but you have to understand a few things first.

Jonas hates this blog. I started it because I was a hospitality widow and was spending a lot of time alone at nights while he worked (in a hotel).

I started the blog as a distraction and now it consumes me. I think of it all the time. Everywhere I go I take photos, interview store owners, undertake research and all with the blog in mind. When people ask me "what have you been up to?" all I can think about is the blog. I'm sick!

Instead of just spending my alone time on the blog, I’ve started to sit in front of the computer reading up on recipes, ideas, people during “our” time. I spend hours sifting through other peoples blogs learning more and more about what’s going on in food circles globally.

From hospitality widow to blog widower, it’s a tragic cycle.

Another annoying habit I’ve picked up is taking photos of everything I cook, while I’m cooking it and the final product. It’s driving him nuts as he sits at the table, fork in hand and salivating over the meal. I won’t let him touch it until I’m sure I’ve taken a non-blurry photo with the right amount of light. I even do it to the food he cooks!

And so, with all this in mind, he bought me:
- a dummy guide to blogging
- a tripod for my camera

I love him!

1 comment:

  1. On the plus side, your blogging gives me a chance to spend some quality time with my xbox


Thanks for saying hello. It's great to know there are people out there in cyberspace!

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